Independent Living

delivered to
your home.

Seniors living independently may have multiple medications and complicated dosing regimens. Often, medication non-adherence can result in a loss of independence. At Guardian, we provide medications conveniently packaged and organized by day and time to simplify the daily drug regimen. This unique packaging – combined with the provided comprehensive medication list – eliminates the danger of missing a dose or taking outdated, expired, or discontinued medications from multiple bottles at home.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does your service cost?

Our service fee is dependent on each patient’s insurance plan and type of medication packaging. VA or Mail Order repacking is available, and the cost is based on number of medications. Please contact our billing department for an individualized quote.

How often will my medications be delivered?

We work with each patient to establish delivery days and times based on need. We typically deliver your routine medications every 28 days and can offer route times that are convenient for you. If you have a medication dose change, you can expect delivery either that evening or the following morning.

How do I obtain medications that are not typically packaged and automatically delivered? Ex: Inhaler, Creams, Eye Drops, etc.

We ask you assess your current supply of medications 3 days prior to your scheduled delivery day and call us to request delivery. Guardian Pharmacy will process your refills and deliver them with your next scheduled delivery.

How do I get enrolled in Guardian Pharmacy of Wisconsin’s medication management program?

Please contact Guardian Pharmacy of Wisconsin to initiate the transition process. Our admissions technician will obtain your information and discuss pricing and delivery schedules. Our pharmacists will work with your current pharmacy and physician to ensure the medical information we receive is accurate and will transfer that information into our system. Our pharmacists will complete a thorough medication reconciliation of your profile. Once we have this information, we are ready to begin services!

Contact Us

Talk with our team to learn how we can help you, your staff, and your residents.